产地 | 进口/国产 |
保存条件 | 低温冷藏 |
品牌 | 上海富雨 |
货号 | FY-24JY031 |
用途 | 科研 |
组织来源 | Leibovitz |
细胞形态 | 见详情 |
是否是肿瘤细胞 | 是 |
保质期 | 见详情 |
器官来源 | 见详情 |
免疫类型 | 见详情 |
品系 | 见详情 |
生长状态 | 贴壁生长 |
物种来源 | 见详情 |
包装规格 | 1×10?cells/T25或1mL冻存管 |
是否进口 | 是 |
备注 该细胞推荐使用Leibovitz's L-15培养基 ,无二氧化碳培养。该细胞是通过慢-病毒转染荧光素酶的稳转株 ,收到细胞 若要求需要维持荧光强度 ,建议可以加入嘌呤 霉素进行再次筛选。
eradication in 'cold' tumors. In addition, we discuss rational immune-oncology combination strategies that activate both innate and adaptive immunity, with the potential to enhance the eklicacy of current immunotherapeutic approaches.Patients exhibit distinct responses to immunotherapies that are thought to be linked to their tumor immune environpknt. However, wide variations in outcopks are also oaderved in patients with matched baseline tumor